Nutella is a delicious chocolate spread. And it tastes good because of the hazelnuts and cocoa in it. But you can also tell that Nutella is delicious because there are very few other spreads which taste as good as it does. Here are some yummy Nutella Instagram captions you can use on your photos.
Nutella Instagram Captions
1. I’m not a morning person, but I can always make time for Nutella. #nutellalovers
2. Here’s to a breakfast of champions 🍫☕️ #nutella
3. Does anyone else feel like they need a jar of Nutella in their lives? No? Just me? Okay. Moving on.
4. Starting the day off right with my two favorite things: Nutella and coffee ☕️

5. How do you like your Nutella? I like mine on pancakes with bananas! Yum! #nutellalove
6. Chocolate + hazelnut = <3
7. Trying out a new spin on my classic breakfast with some #nutella toast this morning! 😋
8. Starting my day off with a little bit of heaven 🍫 #nutella
9. Wireless internet and Nutella are the two best things in the world. #studentlife
10. A little bit of Nutella makes everything better.
11. I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a huge fan of Nutella. If you’re looking for me, you can usually find me with a jar in hand.
12. Just because I add Nutella to everything, doesn’t mean I have a problem. 😜
13. I’m not saying that I’m addicted to Nutella, but I’d definitely risk it all for another jar. #nutellabot
14. Can’t GET enough of this chocolate hazelnut goodness! Yummm #nutella
15. Ya know, just add a little bit of Nutella to everything and it makes it 10 times better! #yum #foodie
16. Chocolate + hazelnut = my idea of a perfect breakfast 😋 #nutella
17. I’m not saying I’m addicted to Nutella, but I really really really like it a lot 😋 # hazelnuteldelight
18. Chocolate for breakfast? Yes, please! #nutella addict over here 🍫
19. I’m not old enough to know what counts as addiction, but I’m pretty sure Nutella is one of them. # dangerouslyaddictive
20. Spread the love with some Nutella!
21. If you don’t love Nutella, we can’t be friends.
22. Trying out all of the different flavors of Nutella from around the world #Yum #NomNom
23. If there’s one thing that can make my day, it’s a big jar of #nutella 🍫❤️
24. I’m not sorry for loving Nutella. It’s my guilty pleasure. #sorrynotsorry
25. I could eat this stuff all day long! #nutella #yum
26. I’m not saying that I’m addicted to Nutella, but I can’t get enough of this deliciousness! #nutellalove
27. There’s always room for Nutella 😍
28. Monday mornings are for coffee and Nutella. Start your week off right! #coffeeplease
29. Nutella is bae <3
30. I could spend all day eating Nutella straight from the jar
31. I could eat Nutella straight from the jar and never get tired of it!
32. It’s always a good time for some #nutella.
33. Weekend cravings are like…#nutella #ferrero #cocoa
34. I’m not saying that Nutella is the answer to all of life’s problems, but it’s definitely a good start. #nutellalove
35. There’s no such thing as too much #nutella 🍫 #yum
36. Found my new favorite snack 😍 # Nutella
37. Gooey, chocolatey, hazelnutty perfection 🍫🌰
38. I’m not saying I’m addicted to Nutella, but I can’t go more than a day without it. #sorrynotsorry
39. Feeling Nutella-y today 🍫
40. If there’s one thing I’m grateful for, it’s Nutella. #hazelnutlove
41. Can’t resist dipping my fingers in the Nutella jar #yum
42. I’m not saying that Nutella is better than a boyfriend, but it’s definitely more delicious 😋 #singlelife
43. I’m not a breakfast person, but I’ll make an exception for Nutella. #yum

44. Giving into my sweet tooth with this delicious #nutella dish!
45. Chocolate + hazelnut = redemption in a jar. #nutella
46. I could eat this jar of Nutella with a spoon… but I’ll share it with you! #nutellalove
47. No matter how you eat it, Nutella always brings a smile to your face!#sweettooth
48. Looking for a chance to Nutella my day up!
49. Breakfast of champions! #nutella #coffeeplease
50. Decadent, delicious, and dangerous. #nutella
51. Start your day with a little bit of sweetness! #nutella
52. Want some hazelnut in your life? Spread the love with #nutella! 😊
53. You can’t have a bad day when you start it off with Nutella. #nutellalovers
54. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want this jar of Nutella all to myself 😜
55. No matter how you eat it, #Nutella is always a good idea 🍫❤️
56. Nutella + coffee = best way to start the day 🍫☕️
57. Can’t resist crushing on this #nutella Help Me Willpower! 🍫💃
58. Waking up to this delicious breakfast spread 😍 #nutella
59. No Nutella ever tasted as good as the one I’m eating right now #nomnom
60. I could eat Nutella morning, noon, and night. it’s always a good idea.
61. I’m not saying that Nutella is better than chocolate, but…
62. Love at first taste 🍫❤️
63. Could eat this all day #nom #nutella
64. If life gives you lemons, add Nutella and make it amazing! #yum #delicious
65. I’m not saying that I’m addicted to Nutella, but I cain’t quit. #nutellaholic
66. I could seriously eat this stuff by the spoonful! #nutellalove #ilovenutella
67. Addicted to Nutella? same.️ #ilovenutella
68. Kids these days will never know the joy of sneaking Nutella from the pantry. #layout
69. Jelly, chocolate, and hazelnut goodness all in one jar 😍 #nutellalove
70. It’s not breakfast without Nutella #mymorningroutine
71. Start your day with a smile, and a big spoonful of #nutella. 🍫
72. My kind of breakfast snack! #nutella
73. I can’t get enough of this delicious #nutella!

74. New week, a new jar of Nutella. Time to take on the world! #BreakfastOfChampions
75. I’m absolutely nuts for Nutella! 😍
76. Sweet dreams are made of Nutella 😍 #sweettooth
77. My two favorite things are Nutella and sleeping in! #lazysunday
78. Can’t resist this jar of deliciousness #nutella #sweet tooth
79. I’m not a morning person, but this #nutella is worth waking up for! 😍
80. No matter how you spread the love, Nutella always brings people together. #nutella #breakfastofchampions
81. A little bit of Nutella makes everything better 🍫 #yum
82. If there’s one thing that can make me smile, it’s Nutella. Thanks for always making me happy! #bestfriends
83. Feeling nutty for Nutella👅
84. I could eat this stuff straight out of the jar #nutellaproblems # Obsessed
85. Everything is better with a little bit of Nutella ❤️
86. Hazelnut dreams and chocolatey desires #nutellalove
87. If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that Nutella makes everything better 🍫❤️
88. My point is, life is too short to not eat Nutella with a spoon.
89. It’s not breakfasting if there’s no Nutella involved. #nutellalove
90. Just because I put Nutella on everything, doesn’t mean I’m not a complex and interesting person.
91. Currently addicted to Nutella. Please send help.
92. I couldn’t resist eating the whole jar #nutellaplease
93. Chocolate + hazelnuts = my new favorite breakfast food #nutella
94. Haven’t been this excited about breakfast in a while 😅
95. I could eat Nutella straight out of the jar with a spoon… and I have! #nocontrol # Addicted

96. All you need is hazelnut spread, some bread, and a little bit of love ❤️
97. Can’t get enough of this hazelnutty loveliness! #nutellalove
98. “Nutella makes everything better” – said everyone, ever.
99. Will work for Nutella #desperatetimes #unemployed
100. Starting every day with a little bit of Nutella is the way to a happy life 🍫
101. Chocolate + hazelnut = hazelnuttered Nutella and I am all about it! #NutellaLover
102. Who else loves a big spoonful of #nutella straight from the jar?? Yummm!
103. Without Nutella, life would be hazelnut-less.
104. Double tap if you love Nutella as much as I do! 🍫
105. New Addition to the Family: I’m excited to introduce you all to my newest family member, Nutella! We’ve been through a lot together and I can’t imagine life without her.
106. I’m addicted to Nutella! I can’t get enough of this sweet, delicious chocolate hazelnut spread!
107. Bad day? Have some Nutella. No bad days are allowed past this point. #nutellalove
108. I’m not saying I’m addicted to Nutella, but I can’t imagine a life without it. #BringOnTheHazelnut
109. I’m not saying that Nutella is the key to happiness, but it definitely doesn’t hurt 🍫😉
110. There’s no such thing as too much Nutella #neverstopbelieving
111. I could eat Nutella straight from the jar with a spoon. No shame. #foodporn
112. Chocolate + hazelnuts = love at first sight ❤️
113. If you can’t find happiness in a jar of #nutella, you’re not looking hard enough.
114. A little #Nutella always makes life a little sweeter ❤️
115. Hazelnutty, chocolatey, and delicious– I could eat this stuff by the spoonful! #nutella
116. Just because I put Nutella on everything doesn’t mean I’m basic.
117. I’m a sucker for Nutella. No Shame. #ilanaskitchen
118. Life is short, eat more Nutella.

119. Starting the day off right with some yummy #nutella on my toast!
120. I don’t know what’s better, the taste of Nutella or the way it makes me feel. #datenight
121. I could really go for some Nutella right now 😋 #yum
123. If you’re not starting your day with a little chocolate, you’re doing it wrong #nutella
124. It’s breakfast time! Time to indulge in my favorite guilty pleasure: Nutella on toast! Yum!
125. Deliciousness in a jar ❤️ #nutella
126. I’m not a morning person, but this chocolate hazelnut spread makes waking up worth it. #nutella
127. Hey you, with the Nutella on your face. Nice to meet you! 😜
128. Everyone needs a little Nutella in their life 🙂
129. Real talk: is there anything that Nutella can’t make better? 🍫❤️
130. If life gives you Nutella, thank lifelong friends for always being there for you.
131. Feeling like a kid again with my favorite #Nutella snack!
132. I can’t help but crave Nutella whenever I see it. #Foodcoma
133. Can’t resist this jar of Nutella. #yum #chocolate
134. I really shouldn’t but I really really want to. #Nutellaaddict
135. I’m not addicted to Nutella, we just have a really close relationship.
136. OMG is Nutella a flavor or a feeling? #mystical
137. Finding new and creative ways to eat my #nutella every day 😋
138. I could really use a Nutella fix right now.
139. You can’t Nutella my enthusiasm for this deliciousness!
140. Nutrpiring! Snackable, shareable, and downright irresistible. #NutellaLovers
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