We all desire a deep connection with God, one where we feel close to Him and the shared intimacy that comes from spending time in His Word. Whether you’ve been a Christian for decades or are just beginning your journey of faith, connecting to God through prayer and studying the Bible is essential if you want to grow in your relationship with Him. To help inspire a deeper bond between you and your creator, here are inspiring quotes about closeness with God that highlight how sweet it can be.
Intimacy with God Quotes
1. “A life of intimacy with God is characterized by joy.” – Oswald Chambers
2. “Once the joy of intimacy with God has been experienced, life becomes unbearable without it.” – J. Oswald Sanders
3. “A man who is intimate with God will never be intimidated by men.” – Leonard Ravenhill
4. “To the degree you have experienced intimacy with God, you won’t be afraid of death because you’re experiencing the first tastes and promises of heaven in this world.” – Richard Rohr

5. “Activity for God – is not the same as intimacy with God or identity in God. And it is your intimacy with Christ that gives you your identity. You can’t experience the power of Christ, the mission of Christ, being made new in Christ, until you know who you are in Christ.” – Ann Voskamp
6. “Before thinking about relationships, we’re designed to have relational intimacy with God.” – J.S. Park
7. “Our relationship with God will never be right as long as our relationship with others is wrong.” – Alistair Begg
8. “Prayer is communion with God. It’s fellowship, relationship, and intimacy with Him.” – Andrew Wommack
9. “Emptiness is only a disguise for the intimacy of God’s, that God’s silence, the eerie stillness, is filled by the Word without words, by Him who is above all names, by Him who is all in all. And his silence is telling us that He is here.” – Karl Rahner
10. “Has your relationship with God changed the way you live your life?” – Francis Chan
11. “Aloneness can lead to loneliness. God’s preventative for loneliness is intimacy – meaningful, open, sharing relationships with one another. In Christ, we have the capacity for the fulfilling sense of belonging which comes from intimate fellowship with God and with other believers.” – Neil T Anderson
12. “Intimacy with God is that I can come in with the honesty of my heart, tell Him how much I’m hurting.” – Beth Moore

13. “True worship is when a person, through their person, attains intimacy and friendship with God.” – William Temple
14. “True intimacy with God always brings humility.” – Beth Moore
15. “One of the side effects of losing intimacy with God is that at some point we stop doing ministry out of imagination and we begin doing it out of memory.” – Bill Johnson
16. “Intimacy with God is the way to true fulfillment. How do you keep the Enemy from sitting at your table? You keep your eyes on Christ.” – Louie Giglio
17. “Our primary call, regardless of our gift, is intimacy with God. To know Him and be known by Him is foundational, and from that place your gift flows, releasing the heart of God to others. It is never just about the gift.” – Lyn Packer
18. “Praise is the ‘breath’ which gives us life because it is intimacy with God, an intimacy that grows through daily praise.” – Pope Francis
19. “The intimacy you desire with God travels through the connective bond of your obedience to Him.” – Stephen Kendrick
20. “Anyone who enters into an intimate relationship with God can see God do exceptional things through his or her life. The outcome does not depend upon a person being unusually gifted, educated, or wealthy. The key is the indwelling presence of God doing unusual things.” – Henry T. Blackaby
21. “The constant struggle to have an intimate relationship with God exists because we are unwilling to accept God as is.” – E’yen A. Gardner
22. “We can have a friendly and intimate relationship with God.” – Stefan Emunds
23. “Royalty is my identity. Servanthood is my assignment. Intimacy with God is my life source. So, before God, I’m an intimate. Before people, I’m a servant. Before the powers of hell, I’m a ruler, with no tolerance for their influence.” – Bill Johnson
24. “I learned the first rule of repentance: that repentance requires greater intimacy with God than with our sin. How much greater? About the size of a mustard seed. Repentance requires that we draw near to Jesus, no matter what. And sometimes we all have to crawl there on our hands and knees. Repentance is an intimate affair. And for many of us, intimacy with anything is a terrifying prospect.” – Rosaria Champagne Butterfield
25. “The gifts of the Master are these: freedom, life, hope, new direction, transformation, and intimacy with God. If the cross was the end of the story, we would have no hope. But the cross isn’t the end. Jesus didn’t escape from death; he conquered it and opened the way to heaven for all who will dare to believe.” – Steven James
26. “How, then, to imagine, the expansive heart of this God—greater than God—who takes seven buses, just to arrive at us. We settle sometimes for less than intimacy with God when all God longs for is this solidarity with us.” – Gregory Boyle
27. “True intimacy with God is not found in religious rituals, but in surrendering our hearts completely to Him.” – Gregory Boyle

28. “In the stillness of our souls, we can hear God’s whispers of love and feel His intimate presence.”
29. “Intimacy with God is not about having all the answers, but about trusting Him in the midst of uncertainty.”
30. “When we open our hearts to God, He reveals His deep love for us and fills us with a peace that surpasses all understanding.”
31. “Intimacy with God requires us to be vulnerable, to lay bare our fears, hopes, and dreams before Him.”
32. “The more we seek God’s presence, the more we experience His transformative power in our lives.”
33. “Intimacy with God is a journey, not a destination. It requires daily commitment and a desire to know Him more.”
34. “Through prayer and meditation, we can enter into a sacred space where we commune with God and find solace for our weary souls.”
35. “Intimacy with God is not limited to a specific time or place. It is a constant awareness of His presence in every aspect of our lives.”
36. “When we surrender our desires to God, He aligns our hearts with His perfect will, leading us into a deeper intimacy with Him.”
37. “Intimacy with God is not about receiving answers to all our prayers, but about developing a deeper trust in His sovereignty and goodness.”

38. “God’s love for us is not based on our performance or achievements. His love is unconditional, inviting us into a deep and intimate relationship with Him.”
39. “Intimacy with God is a place of refuge, where we find comfort, healing, and restoration for our weary souls.”
40. “When we seek God with our whole hearts, we discover that He has been pursuing us all along, longing for an intimate relationship with us.”
41. “Intimacy with God is not a one-sided conversation. He longs to hear our hearts, our joys, our sorrows, and our deepest desires.”
42. “In the presence of God, we find true freedom, as He removes the chains of guilt, shame, and condemnation from our lives.”
43. “Intimacy with God requires us to let go of our own agenda and surrender to His perfect plan for our lives.”

44. “God’s love for us is immeasurable, and His desire for intimacy with us is greater than we can comprehend.”
45. “When we spend time in God’s Word, we allow His truth to penetrate our hearts and transform us from the inside out.”
46. “Intimacy with God is a lifelong journey of growing closer to Him, deepening our love and trust in Him with each passing day.”
47. “Intimacy with God is like sunshine for the soul – it brings us hope, strength, and joy in our journey”
48. “Find a sacred space of connection with the divine. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and embrace the intimacy with God.”
49. “Embrace the sweet, special moments of intimacy with God! Spend time in prayer and meditation to cultivate a closer relationship with your Creator.”
50. “Intimacy with God – an invitation into a relationship, not a task list. Receive the joy and peace that comes from knowing each other intimately!”
51. “Intimacy with God isn’t a one-time thing, it’s an ongoing relationship worth deepening! Dive deeper today and learn the beauty of true spiritual connection.”
We hope you enjoyed our collection of ‘Intimacy with god’ quotes.
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